Seattle Spartans would like to extend this opportunity to local businesses and individuals to support women’s football. By becoming a sponsor, you will not only increase your company’s exposure, but you will be providing the women of the Seattle Spartans a valuable opportunity they may not otherwise have. The Seattle Spartans organization consists of all volunteers working very hard to provide a safe and effective environment for women to play football.
Why sponsor the Seattle Spartans?
Seattle Spartan do not charge players/training fees and cover travel with the team to select away games.
Women’s football is on the rise across the world and by sponsoring the Spartans you are investing in the future of women sports! Thus not charging our athletes.
We love Football in Washington and throughout the Pacific Northwest and are working to encourage girls and women to learn tackle football.
Sponsoring our women’s sport team shows you are on the side of equality and community for all. Football’s great strength is its diversity and teamwork!
All in person promotions apply to home games only.
Online advertising
Sponsor A Skill Group: $100 (Includes 4 posts the Seattle Reign Recruits facebook group. Average reach 3000 plus a week) Please circle one. (Per Season)
Coaches Staff – War Room
QuarterBacks – Guns
O-Line -Mob Squad
Running Back- BAMF
Wide Receivers – Knights
D-Line – MonStars
LineBacker – Wolf Pack
Defensive Backs – Bandits
Seattle Spartans Program Guide 2022
Full color 3000plus print run. Given out free at Spartans home games and bars from Seattle to Marysville (Deadline four weeks before first game____$100 add on Spartans design the a ad optional
Quarter page ad $100 ($ .03 per ad. at 3000) sold
Half page ad(vertical and horizontal) $200 ($.06 per ad)
Full page ad $400 ($.16 per ad) sold
Back page ad $600 ($.23 per ad)
Inside cover ad $500 ($ .20 per ad)
Seattle Spartans Schedule Poster
Print run 500 min, print run only 10 spaces, Due March 1st.
____$150 per logo ad approx. 1x1 inches can include qr code recommend($ .15 per add. Posters go out Jan. 20th- March 31st and will stay up until June.
____ $100 (add on) Seattle Spartans design you logo qr code combo
Special offer: Tryout posters logo spaces-DEADLINE:9/20
_____Full Color advertisements $100. 2x2 approx. size
500 poster
Locations Seattle- Bellingham
September 30th-Dec 1st.
Sold OUT
Official Warm up and Game day apparel Provider
Official warm up with logo Pants or short T-shirt and hoodie
Commercials on all home games live stream (3 -4 games season)
Four (4) customized announcements at each game
Four (4) season tickets
Logo on team website
______$2000. Official Warm up and Game day apparel Provider
____$200 Official sponsor: Pre-game, Nail salon, after-party, post game, sideline report, Massage Therapist etc.
Game Tickets Sponsor
Coupons or add on the back of all tickets sold.
__ $500 Ad or coupon on the back of all game day tickets current set at 2000-5000 print run. ($0.20 per ad) ____$100 add on Spartans design the a ad ___ No I will send the ad to the correct size and specs.
Official Outfit the Spartans
• Logo Uniforms patches on all uniforms
• Commercials on all home games live stream (3 -4 games season)
• Four (4) customized announcements at each game
Four (4) Season Tickets
• Logo on team website
____ $2500. Official Seattle Spartans outfitter
Pre-season Advertising
______ $550. (Per. Season) Chrome Helmet decal with logo:
______ $500. (per season) Socks! Custom socks with your logo on them
______$2500 logo on all Player gear bag
______ $100 per hour (Per Appearance) Player appearances (4 players ):
______$500 (Per Product) Endorse a product:
______$600 (per season) Chariot window
Mix and match packages-The Spartans will build a custom advertising package for your business based on our Sponsor levels below:
___ Dory Spear Level- $5000 per season
___ Iron Blade Level – $2500 per season
___ Javelin Level – $1000 per season
___ Shield Level – $500 per season
___ Helmet Level - $250 per season
Game day advertising options:
____ $75 2 min. of Shout out announcements per game (Per season)
____$150 3×6 banner at home game (Per. Season Due 3 weeks before the first game) Includes the banner ____$100 add on Spartans design the a banner ___ No I will send the banner to the correct size and specs.
____$300 5×10 banner at home game (Per Season Due 3 weeks before the first game) Includes the banner ____$100 add on Spartans design the a banner ___ No I will send the banner to the correct size and specs.
____$175 Booth or food truck: Limit 2 booths or reserve all three and get the third for free.
____ $75 vendor table 10x10 space (limit 5-10 per game)
_____$150 4 Logo during live and online broadcast (per season)
___$300 Players of the game sponsor (two players are picked by STSPN are awarded cash! Currently $50 per player) (Per. season)
____$25 x Pick 6, Sack, Inception, and or Touchdown (Min. $100 max $1000, Per. Season)
_sold___$175 Kids Area Sponsor: Includes multiples shout out including time outs
____$600 Commercial for live STSPN Broadcast (per. Season Due one week before first game.) ___Commercials on all home games live stream (3 -4 games season) ____$200 add on Spartans design the a commercial___ No I will send the commercial to the correct size and specs.
____ $200 Official sponsor: Pre-game, Nail salon, after-party, post game, sideline report, Massage Therapist etc.